

The word Vaastu is derived from the sanskrit word ‘Vaas’ which means dwelling. The dwelling referred to that of both Man & God. Vaastu Shastra or in literal meaning ‘The Science of Dwelling’ basically consists of rules of planning & construction of Residences based on the cardinal directions of North, East, West & South. Asian civilizations in general always have had sciences to dictate their dwellings since homes were considered a sacred abode. Feng Shui in China developed 3000 years ago, almost at a similar time of the development of Vaastu Shastra in India.

The Cardinal Directions & its influencers are as given below

The North-East (NE) is assigned to Water :

Its the ideal place to have anything consisting of a water body, like a storage tank, even decorative aquariums & other water themed items.

The South-East (SE) is assigned to Fire :

One’s kitchen, pantry, furnace, or boiler should be here.

The North-West (NW) is assigned to Air :

One can have a guest-room bed room or a store for finished goods .

The South-West (SW) is assigned to Earth :

Being the most stable , this is the best place for the Master Bed Room.

The Centre is assigned to Space :

Have the least possible activity in this area. Keep as few items here as possible. If you have a small apartment, place a small coffee table.

The Cardinal Directions owe their powers due to various factors.

1) The  East  Direction: The East side belongs to the Lord Indra. The sun rises from the East & this direction is given the first position. The principal God of the East direction is Lord Indra. It gives prosperity and wealth.

2)  The  West  Direction: The West direction belongs to the Lord Varuna who has control and power over the rain and water.

3)  The  North Direction: The principal God of this side is Kuber who has incalculable stores of wealth and prosperity. This direction is considered to be very auspicious, with the Gods giving  happiness and prosperity.

4)  The  South Direction: Lord Yama is the principal god of this direction. The South direction is thus banned for all auspicious functions.

5)  The  South – East Direction: Agni (fire) is the principal God of this side.This direction  is used for Hom – Havan ( oblations by fire to a deity in a pit) The kitchen should always be in this direction.

6)  The  South  -West  Direction: Nairuti, a demoness is the authority of this direction. Therefore, it is banned for all auspicious functions. This direction should be filled with heavy unmovable goods. Pits, wells, septic tanks, water storage tank, toilets or bathrooms should not be constructed in this direction. This is because water in these directions have the risk of getting contaminated by dark energy and thus prove harmful to man.